Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Saved by the Dolly

Today us girls were playing at Great Grandma Joyce's house.  We had barely just arrived when McKel had a major blow out in her diaper.  Mommy thought to bring diapers but did not think to bring a change of clothes for baby McKel.  Mommy was about ready to drive back home and bring back some clean baby clothes when Grandma Joyce came in to the room with a little baby sleeper.  Where did this come from, you ask?  Grandma Joyce had gone down to the basement where Avril was playing with the dollies.  She then took the sleeper off the biggest dolly and brought it upstairs to see if it would fit McKel... and it did!
Here is McKel in her Dolly sleeper:

Hmmm... didn't I just see this outfit on the dolly Avril was playing with?

And here are some more recent pics of our sweet McKel:
Sleeping like an angel
She already has a cute camera pose down


Britney & Bob said...

1 month already?! Wow, she is growing fast. She also has a lot of hair and long too. It reminds me of Hannie's when she was that age.

deerhollow said...

She is so beautiful! I better get those little shoes made or she will be too big for them! What a cute family you guys are! And that wedding photo of the two of you by the trees in the snow. Oh my! Its gorgeous!
Fun catching up on your blog!

Karen said...

She is so cute! Look at all her hair! I need to come and meet this sweet baby girl in person!!

Lindsay said...

I'm so behind on your blog! McKel is so cute....and getting so big. How fun! And congrats on #3 anniversary! :)