Monday, January 10, 2011

McKel at 1 Month

Caught ya smiling!!  :)
At 1 month old McKel is growing in to a BIG, beautiful girl!  She has now graduated from her newborn clothes and is wearing the 3-6 month old clothes.  This girl keeps a-growin' and growin'!  She is starting to sleep more on a normal schedule and is awake and alert a little more during the day.  She loves to have mommy and daddy sing to her, this can almost always calm her down.  We all love this little bundle of joy!  Happy one month McKel!


Erka said...

One month already!? She is such a cutie that's for sure!

Aubrey Jane said...

I love reading all of these recent posts. McKel is a doll and your family is so beautiful. I am so happy for you guys!