Thursday, January 6, 2011

Newlyweds No More

I'm not sure how long you have to be married to officially lose the title of "Newlyweds," but I figure we've gotta be way past that point now that we have two kids.  On January 5th we celebrated our 3rd Wedding Anniversary.  Wowie kazowie, time has flown by!  I know it sounds totally cheesey, but I feel like my life really just began when I met Jesse.  Marrying him was the best decision I've ever made, hands down.  A lot has happened since we've been married...we've accumulated two more family members, moved to California and back, almost finished putting Jesse through school... just to name a few things.  We feel so blessed to have a lot of love in our family.  Every night that's what I pray for... ask and you shall receive, and we surely have.  All this was set in motion by two people becoming best friends and falling in love...

I was reminiscing and watching our wedding videos.  My friend D.J. did such an amazing job putting them together.  These videos are priceless to me.
I especially love watching the slideshow of our baby pics, now that we have kids.  I like to catch glimpses of them in our baby pics, its kinda fun.

Oh, the memories.  I love the soundtrack, these are some of my favorite love songs.  It almost brings tears to my eyes just to watch this.  I'm not even pregnant!  I'm just a total sap at heart.

Jesse and I take turns being in charge of planning anniversaries.  It was Jesse's turn to plan this one.  He made the day so special.  For starters, I got to stay in bed that morning past Avril's wake up time of 6:30 am.  He let me sleep in while he took care of the kids... made breakfast, etc.  I got to take the day off from mom duties which was soooooooooo much appreciated.  Boy do those kiddos exhaust me!  That evening we left Avril with Papa Bryan and enjoyed a dinner out (baby McKel also joined us but mainly caught some Zzzz's) at the Olive Garden.  Jesse made a homemade card for me that was just so sweet, and inside were 2 tickets to go see Brian Regan when he comes to Logan next month.  Yay!  I can't wait to have some good laughs with my hubby.  Thank you dearest, for an amazing anniversary.  I love you always.