Sunday, January 23, 2011


Its so fun to see McKel's personality develop.  Now she is becoming more alert and starting to sleep a little less so we get to see what she's really like.  So far her personality = HAPPY!!  McKel smiles more than any baby I've seen.  She likes to coo and make happy noises.  I have already heard her laugh!  She is also still a BIG baby.  She is already snug in the 3-6 month clothes.  It will be interesting to see what her measurements are like at her 2 month check up.  Right now she is just over 6 weeks and growing like a weed.  A chubby weed that is.  We love this little happy cutie pie face.


...and her sister has no lack of personality either.  She keeps us in stitches all day long.  I need to start writing down all the hilarious things she says.
Gotta say it again... I LOVE my girls!  :)