Wednesday, April 21, 2010

That Was Bizarre

So, you know how you do your laundry and sometimes find lots of interesting things in the dryer... like wrappers, or old movie tickets, or change, or maybe a missing earring, or maybe a BIRD?!?!  Really, that's never happened to you?
So today, Jesse and I walked in the door and heard a loud noise coming from the laundry room.  We walked over to the dryer and could hear a loud clamoring coming from inside the dryer.  We opened the dryer door but nothing was in there.  We thought that a mouse or some sort of creature must have crawled inside somehow, because it was so loud.  We pulled the dryer out a bit and could see that the grey, metallic tube thingy behind the dryer was moving all around.  Upon closer inspection, we saw a BEAK protruding through the tube!  We started to come up with all these plans of how we could help that poor birdy escape.  We thought we could put on some gloves and cut the tube loose, freeing that poor, helpless creature.
Poor, helpless creature indeed!  He proved us wrong!  That smart little birdy continued to maneuver around until he had poked his whole head through the side of the tube.  As we were standing around, debating what to do, he managed to free himself and flew right out from behind the dryer, straight toward the bathroom window, only to find himself crashing to the ground.  Back and forth he went, between the laundry room and the bathroom, trying to find a way to escape.  Here is our little dryer pet:

This pic is a bit blurry, but you can see he's perched himself right on the shelf, alongside the iron and some towels.

And here he sits, gazing out the bathroom window, wondering how he can escape and find his way back to his birdy friends.  Oh, the stories he'll have for them!


Jesse decided to step in and help out our flying friend by opening the window and removing the screen in the bathroom.  Here are the results:


Lindsay said...

that is so crazy!