Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ontario, Oregon

Ontario, Oregon is where we spent the weekend.  Bryan was kind enough to drive the whole way there and back.  We watched another awesome Stampede game, with another TWO TOUCHDOWNS made by the amazing Jesse Yarger :)  Here is the newspaper clipping:

I didn't take many pictures from our trip, but of course Avril made it in a few shots:
Grandpa Bryan took Avril for a walk around the field.  If Avril had her way, this is all she'd be doing the whole day.

Avril with a bit of a messy face.  She ate a whole banana, a bag of sun chips, and an entire hot dog and bun all by herself!  Wowie, hungry girl!

Avril and her Grandpa :)

We enjoyed the trip to Oregon but were glad to be back home after all that driving.  Once again, the Stampede did not let us down.  A victory, leaving us at 2-0 for the season so far!!