Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Curse is Broken!

Somehow I managed to be missing-in-action for every single touchdown that Jesse made in football last season.  I was either nursing the baby, using the restroom, or didn't make it to that game.  Jesse started joking that maybe I shouldn't come anymore because every time I was there, he didn't make a touchdown.  The whole team didn't want me there because of this wretched curse!
Well, my friends, this season started out with a bang!  The first real game of the season I was there, watching my hubby the WHOLE game.  And he made TWO touchdowns!!!  I even saw him look in to the stands after each one to make sure that I was there and watching.  He even pointed at me and winked... I was just beaming, so proud of my hubby!
This game was just fantastic!  We came back from a 12 point deficit to win the game.  The weather was perfect, and Avril didn't take any tumbles this time :)

Avril is ready to go, wearing her Stampede attire!  She still has the remains of last week's face plant, but her nose is healing quickly.

Jesse in action!
I'm pretty sure this was taken after a touchdown... they seem kinda happy :)

Yay!  Good game!!


Avril was so excited to give daddy a big hug!

My two loves :)