Saturday, April 3, 2010

Stampede Football with the Whole Fam!

Since my big bro, Adrian, was in town with his family we invited everyone to come watch Jesse play football.  It was freezing cold out, so we bundled Avril up with lots of layers and a coat that was 5 sizes too big.  The problem with this genius idea was that this made her top heavy.  Grandpa Spencer took Avril for a walk behind the stands and she toppled right over on to the asphalt.  Our poor little Avril knows no danger, and did not even put her hands down to stop her!  This resulted in a badly skinned nose.  A bloody nose mixed with a snotty nose is not a good mix.  Of course, Avril was battling a bad cold at the same time.  We felt so bad for our little sweetheart.  This pretty much did her in for the rest of the evening.  She just wanted to be held and lay there without moving.

On the bright side, we did win the game...

Here is Avril with her skinned up nose.  It is hard to see in this pic but she skinned the top of her nose and right underneath it, right where the snot drips!  Poor girl.

Mommy trying to make it all better.

I just stole some more pics from my parents' camera so I'm adding them to our post.  Here they are:
Arleen's dad, Ray, especially enjoyed the game.  We made a new Stampede fan out of him!
Trying to stay warm...

Go #11!!

Arleen and Adrian, enjoying the beautiful Logan weather... NOT!  At this point I think they were ready to head back to Cali.

Madi, Shelby, and Danny

Brittney keeps warm with her Grandma Gayle

 Jesse in action!