Thursday, April 8, 2010

Baby Animal Days!!

I had been looking forward to Baby Animal Days all year long. I couldn't wait for Avril to get to pet all the animals and to spend the day with all the family... even my brother's family from California!  We had so much fun!!

Here is Avril's reaction when we told her where we were about to go. She was so excited she couldn't stand it!

 Uncle Jared and Grandpa Spencer took turns pushing Avril in the stroller.

Avril loved petting the baby cows.  She was just in awe at all the many sights to see!

A rare shot, where everyone is looking at the camera.
Look at the gorgeous mountains behind us.  Breathtaking.  My only complaint was the wind.

We took advantage of having the whole family together and posed for a family pic!

Cousins :)  Avril ALWAYS wanted Brittney to hold her hands and walk with her.  So cute!

Here are Grandpa and baby in front of the Clydesdale horses.  These are sure massive animals!  They pulled the carriage that we rode in.

Here is everyone watching the little kid sheep rodeo... video below:

I'm not sure who thought up this bright idea... put little kids on sheep and let 'em loose!  Sounds totally harmless...

They even had baby bear cubs there.  They looked so cute and cuddly.  And look at those little baby goats... they looked like they had smiles on their faces :)  We had a fantastic day!