Tuesday, March 30, 2010

St. George/ Mesquite!

Jesse's first football game was this past Saturday... and it was in St. George!  This was exciting for us because it meant a mini-vacation for our family and sunshine!  The trip was all I dreamed it could be, and Avril cooperated like a saint for the most part.  I was worried about the long drive but it really wasn't bad.
There was something going on in St. George that weekend so there were not any hotel rooms available.  We stayed with the other football players for a special rate at the Oasis, in Mesquite, NV.  They were all out of non-smoking rooms so they gave us a smoking room.  Mommy would not have that, so I nicely complained about the smoke being bad for the baby, and right on cue, Avril started whining.  The nice lady upgraded us to a bigger room with a king sized bed that was smoke-free, for the same rate... totally based upon my amazing powers of persuasion :)

The car ride down:

...just before daddy and baby fell asleep.  yes, we switched drivers first.

The next morning we had the most delicious buffet breakfast with our friends Cody and Jolene.  Avril didn't even mind getting back in the car.
Avril is wearing her Logan Stampede sweatshirt... she's their biggest littlest fan!  And the cutest, naturally :)

We took full advantage of the fantastically warm, sunshiney weather and busted out all the 'S' words- sunblock, shades, swimsuits, and a stroller!  What good times!
Could she BE any cuter?!?

We went to the pool at the Casablanca Hotel because it was nicer and plus it had something kinda necessary.. water!  The one at the Oasis was empty :)  We had soooooo much fun, but the water was frrrreeeezing.  Avril didn't care.  She kept on begging for us to let her go all the way in!  Daddy and Mommy just enjoyed relaxing by the pool.
So Happy Together!!

That night was the game... we lost, but it was just a pre-season game, so the coach put in a bunch of 2nd string players.  I don't know if I have ever seen Avril so hyper.  She was LOVING being the center of attention in the stands.  Every time the music would come on, she would dance.  When the crowd cheered, she cheered.  She even kept shouting out, "Dada!"  Everyone couldn't get over how cute she was.  She truly is such a joy.  This is just the happiest I have ever been in my life.  I feel so blessed and lucky to have such an amazing family.  Here are some cute video clips I took to show how much fun little Av was having at the game:


Britney & Bob said...

I am jealous. I really need some fun in the sun. This cloud no rain stuff is getting me down.

Also, congrats on the sleeping through the night stuff!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you finally did it. Letting her cry it out seems like torture, but in the end it is better for everyone. When we tried weening Hannie from the binki, she screamed for almost an hour every few ours at night! It was hard. Your luck to have a husband who tries behavior modification. Sounds good to me. :0)

The Rapp Family said...

Looks like a lot of fun!! You look awesome, you cannot even tell that you have ever had a baby, if I were to wear a bikini everyone would not be able to take their eyes off of all my stretch marks!