Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Skies are Blue, Let's Go to the Zoo!!

Yesterday was the first day of Spring Break for Jesse, which means a whole week of no school, and no Utah State job, and a whole week of more Jesse time for Avril and mommy!!!!  The other wonderful news is that the sun came out just in time for us to enjoy it.
We decided that Avril needed some plain white/pink undershirts so we busted out the stroller and the whole fam took a walk to Old Navy.  Avril stayed asleep in her stroller the whole time we were in the store.  Daddy and Mommy picked out a couple cute shirts and off we were!

 Here is Avril in her new pink shirt, freshly slobbered on!  Just look at those big eyes.  They are starting to turn more of a hazel color now, they can't seem to make up their mind...
Cheesy smile!  This is the face Avril makes all the time now.  She'll even do it on cue, when you say, "Cheesy Smile!"

Avril all dressed in her cute outfit, and ready to go enjoy the sunshine!

 ...Off we go, to the Zoo!

We ventured all the way across town to Willow Park Zoo.  We seriously had sooooo much fun!  Avril would get so excited and point to every animal.  I think she could've stayed there and stared at those animals all day long.  She didn't want to leave one exhibit to move on to the next.  The weather was perfect.  I could not have asked for a better day.  It was just fan-freakin-tastic!
Here are some pictures from our Zooper Dooper Day:
 Avril wanted to hop over the fence and go pet all the animals.  Look at the bald eagles!  So cool!

Avril's favorite part of the zoo was the pond with the ducks.  They came right up to you (only a little food motivation required).

Enjoying the wildlife.
Our whole family, happy as pigs in mud!

...And when we got home, the fun was not over!...

Daddy was being goofy and making Avril crack up!

Avril wanted to play with her bath toys so we let her hop in the tub fully clothed :)  She looks like a little girl now, not a baby anymore!  It's too fast!

...and after that long, perfect day...
Aaah, asleep at last.  Zzzzz....  Good night, sweet angel.


Lindsay said...

What a fun day. I love her crack up video...she is too funny!

Karen said...

Looks like you guys had tons of fun!

Cory & Rebeca said...

how fun! I love avril's little pig tails, Sophie won't let me do her hair. :(

Kristy said...

Way too cute!