Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma Gayle!

Grandma Gayle's birthday is the week after Avril's birthday. Her birthday is on March 2nd but we had 2 celebrations in order to include the whole fam, since some of us (i.e. Jesse) have busy busy schedules. On Tuesday, Jared and I took Grandma Gayle to lunch at Angie's.

The birthday girl and her handsome son

Mommy and daughter, happy as can be!

You can tell Avril enjoyed her lunch... or should I say, mommy's lunch?   Mmmm, good soup!

Check out that cute dimple!

Thanks guys!  I had a splendid time at lunch.  We should do this again sometime!
Since it was Grandma Gayle's birthday, Sabor (Angie's owner) gave us a free dessert!  It was a HUGE cinnamon roll.  We all thoroughly enjoyed it. 

On Thursday, we dined with everyone at the Olive Garden.  We forgot to bring a camera, so we had to make do with pics from my iphone.  Hence, the not-so-great picture quality.  Oh well, better than nothin' I guess...
Here is Grandma Gayle ("nana", as Avril calls her) after being serenaded with a happy birthday song, by the servers at the Olive Garden.  She doesn't look a day older than 29!  :)

The 2 loves of my life!  My hubbin' and cutie cute.  Avril is able to drink out of a straw now, but thinks its more fun to take the straw out and chew on it...

Happy Birthday Grandma Gayle!!  We LOVE you muchas!