Saturday, March 13, 2010

Date NIght

It is so wonderful when Jesse has some time off and gets to spend time with Avril and I.  He works so hard to take care of our family and I feel so lucky to have married such a loving, hard working, all-around incredible guy.  Jesse had the night off and we felt we deserved a date night so we took Avril along and ate at my favorite restaurant in Logan, Takara Sushi!  It was soooo good.

Here is my ridiculously good-looking husband and that ridiculously cute baby of ours:

Avril decided that she was too advanced for the fork and spoon and thought she'd have a go with the chopsticks instead. Mostly she just wanted to stir the soup with them and throw them on the floor.


Lindi said...

You do have a really really really really really ridiculous good looking family!! I love sushi and im glad Logan now has a sushi restaurant

Lindsay said...

Sushi eh? You are brave. I can't do sushi. I am glad you got to go out on a fun date