Friday, March 19, 2010

Avril's One Year(ish) Stats

Well, we were a little late on getting to our 12 month Dr.'s appointment for Avril by a few weeks, so it was closer to a 13 month appointment, but the doc says she looks great!  She is about average on height and weight... the doctor assured me that those were the only average things about our little Avril.  Everything else about her is extraordinary!  She does have a rash on her back and a little on her chest, which he immediately identified as eczema.  We got a prescription for some cream that should clear it right up, he said.

Here are Avril's 12.8 Months Stats:
Weight:  22.0 lbs  (59%ile)
Length:  29.5 in    (53%ile)
Girls Head Circumference:  17.5 in  (27%ile)-  small head, like mommy

Avril had to get 6 shots at her appointment!  Six!  My poor baby girl screamed till she was purple in the face.  She had a small fever and threw up a couple times afterward but now seems to be much better.  It was so hard for me to watch, but at least it's all over with and now she has been immunized.  We love  you Avril, you're such a joy in our lives!


Erka said...

I think it's so funny because my daughter weight 22 lbs at her one year appointment and she was diagnosed with eczema too at that appointment. By the way, the cream does clear it out very very fast! She got it for a few months back then, and even though they say eczema is a cronic condition, she hasn't gotten it much since. So, no worries on that! Avril is such a cutie, I loved her zoo pics too, and the fancy outfit! So stylish, just like her mom! :)