Friday, December 25, 2009

Some Special Christmas Gifts

Jesse loves to make me feel special by putting a lot of thought in to his gifts.  Instead of just putting the gifts under the tree this year, he sent me on a scavenger hunt to find my present.  I had asked for a particular gift and I guess he thought it'd just be too easy to give it to me.  He gave me a picture frame with a poem in it and I was supposed to know where to look from the clues in the poem.  The first spot I was sent to was the upstairs bathroom, where there was another picture frame with a poem attached.  I even had to drive over to my parents' house to retrieve a frame.  Below are the picture frames I collected from my hunt :)

The final clue sent me to Avril's nursery...

And on the nightstand sat an iHome, playing a special playlist that Jesse had created just for the occasion.  It was absolutely perfect :)  Thank you sweetheart!  Now I can play Avril's bedtime songs in her room when she goes to sleep and charge the iPod at the same time!  I love it :)

One of my gifts for Jesse was a book I created for him, showing off all his football photos/newspaper articles from this past season.  I downloaded the pages from the book:

This is the back cover and front cover of the book I made.  To see the whole book, see below: :)

I did a similar book for my parents, about their recent trip to Peru.  Here is the cover:

back and front cover
...and to see the full book:

It took me forever to finish these and I had to be very sneaky.  I must say, I'm pretty proud of how they turned out!

Santa also brought us the Rosetta Stone in Spanish, so a New Year's Resolution of ours is to start learning Spanish.  I hope it works!