Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Pictures

We wanted to take some family Christmas pictures to make a Christmas card this year and it was just too much fun dressing Avril up in her "Santa Baby" outfit! Here is a glimpse of our fun photo shoot:

Avril couldn't keep her hands off of mommy's necklace so we decided to let her wear it for a little while.

Yes! I got my way :)

Now a pose for the camera, to show how pretty I look in mommy's necklace.

Avril was sort of cooperating so we were able to get a few good shots for our Christmas card :)

Somehow Jesse's football made it in to our family pics.

I think Avril was trying to sing Christmas carols in this one.

Daddy gasps with delight that Avril has taken a liking to his sport.

Mmm, tasty finger...

The cutest part of Avril's outfit, her little "Santa Baby" on the bum!

Mommy and Daddy

After our photo shoot Daddy and Avril took over the kitchen to make some yummy dinner. Avril was being such a Santa's little helper!

Daddy and Av read the instructions on how to cook the shrimp!

No sweat! We can do this!

Yay! I can't wait to eat the yummy shrimp!

And then... Santa's little helper helped with the dishes!! What a fantastic night!!

Avril kept herself (and the rest of us) entertained by playing with daddy's football :)


Erka said...

I love her Santa Baby outfit! She looks adorable in it! It's good you guyd took the time to take pictures with it. We had a simmilar dress with Julia. She wore it to church, but I was too lazy to take pictures, and now I regret not taking them. It was a waste of a cute outfit that could only be worn a few times!

Lindsay said...

What a cute outfit Avril had on. She is a sweetie! Cute family pics.

Karen said...

CUTE pictures!! I love them!! Avril is getting so big! I can not even believe it!!

Jamie Dana said...

Avril is so cute!!! It is fun to see you as a mom. I can just see how much you are loving it all--the messes, the slobber, the cute baby clothes and the sweet smiles.