Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Family Outing

School is finally out which means we have had more time to spend together as a family lately. This is fantastic news. We love having daddy home! We decided to go out to lunch together at Cafe Sabor, and then we did some shopping at Macey's. We couldn't resist taking some pics/videos of our little cutie cute.

This was the first time Avril wore her hair in 2 pony tails... one on each side, instead of one poking straight up in the middle. We think it makes her look older. She is almost 10 months in these shots. Can you believe it!? She must feel older because she's already trying to color with the crayons they gave her at Cafe Sabor... ok, more like trying to eat the crayons :)

Haha she just makes me smile :)

Aren't these car-carts the coolest? Avril was not the only one excited about it! Mommy and Daddy thought this was pretty cool too! After our day of family outings Avril was ready to come home and take a nap. We wore that baby out!