Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sleeping Cutie

Lately Avril has been even more stubborn about going to sleep, if that's even possible.  She normally goes to bed between 7-7:30ish.  I started trying to get her to sleep at 7:00 and at about 8:30 I was feeling dehydrated, exhausted, and at a loss of motivation to continue my efforts.  Thus, I placed the still awake Avril in her crib and cringed as I shut her bedroom door, knowing the dreaded screams would ring in my ears as I walked downstairs.  I tried to watch TV and made myself a milkshake to defer my attention elsewhere.  Fortunately, after a mere 20 minutes the wailing subsided so I decided to take a peek in Avril's crib to see the aftermath of her fight with sleep.  What I saw was so cute and so funny to me, I risked awaking her just to take a picture:

Normally, I place Avril on her tummy to snooze so this is an entirely new position for her.  She snuggled up with the bunny and laid her head on her pillow in the corner of the crib.  That's our sleeping beauty cutie!

Notice the bed-head :)


Britney & Bob said...

We can't believe how big she is!