Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Star Valley, Wyoming

We spent this past weekend in Star Valley, Wyoming at the Mortensen's AMAZING cabin! We are so glad they invited us because it was soooo much fun and I can't even describe how beautiful this cabin is. You can get an idea from the pictures but its much more incredible to see in person.

This is a view of the cabin from the front driveway.

A shot of the Yarger clan. This was taken upstairs in the cabin, where they actually have a huge bouncy house thing. This was Taggart's favorite. Avril liked it too, although she wasn't quite sure how to take it all in. She was so happy the whole trip, it was just a delight. She was constantly entertained and smiling, no tears at all! The Mortensens now must think we have a perfect baby :)

Margaret made the most delicious french toast I have ever tasted in my life. Serious. She said its a Star Valley tradition.

This family pic was taken at the golf course nearby, where all the boys went golfing on Saturday. We (the girls and Taggart) met up with them at Hole 8 by the lake.

Avril is making sure her daddy didn't miss any whiskers on his face when he shaved.

Taggart and Avril playing. They liked each other quite well, after some warming up. Taggart is going to be a big brother soon, so its good he got some play time with baby Avril :)

Avril's hat is a genuine Peruvian hat that my parents brought home from their recent trip to Peru. We love how it looks on her!

Below are some more fun pics:

By the golf course there is a library where you can sit and read while you wait. The cool thing about this library is that all the books are donated so you can just take them home and bring them back whenever you want. You can even keep them and donate your old books. Here is Uncle Jared playing with Avril at the library.

Just a video in the car on the drive back home. Avril is fascinated by the camera.


Lindsay said...

Glad you had a fun getaway! :)

Karen said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun!! I am glad you were able to go!

Kristy said...

What a beautiful place to go on vacation! I'm so glad you had a fun time!

Robert and Kristen said...

You have such a beautiful family!

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

gosh you look amazing and that girl of yours is ADORABLE! What fun!