Thursday, September 17, 2009

Its Tooth Time!

I just wanted to write a quickie because of the monumental moment that happened today. This morning Avril was chewing on my fingers (just one of the many things she chews on) and I felt something sharp poking through her gums. I looked and could not believe I saw a little tiny breakthrough. Her first tooth! It is coming up on the bottom, in the front, right side. How exciting. Our little baby is growing up so fast!
She also started eating a little more solid foods. She LOVES the gerber banana baby food. Her friend Sophie introduced her to this and so we bought some and she just went to town! :)

Here are Sophie and Avril playing together. Although they both had identical rattle toys to play with, the other person's was always more interesting so they kept grabbing the other baby's toy. Sophie is about 9 months old here so she's slightly older than Avril.