Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sept Mois

This means that our baby girl is 7 Months Old!!!! in French. Since we gave Avril a French name I thought I'd give this post a French title :)

Today is her 7 month birthday and she is getting so big and so much fun. She now says "dada" all the time, and has decided this is a little more fun to say than "mama" so she doesn't say "mama" as much anymore. Rude! She loves to laugh and especially likes it when you play "peek a boo" with her. She is very close to crawling and loves to bounce up and down while you hold her up. She is such a happy baby now but still fights a pretty tough battle when its time to go to sleep. She just doesn't want to miss any of this exciting life. We love her so so much!!


Aubrey Jane said...

What a doll, I can't believe how big she is!