Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Shelby's 18th Birthday Party!!

September 3rd was Shelby's 18th Birthday. I can't believe he's an adult now! :) We celebrated on Labor Day and had a super cool party at our house!! Thank you so much mom (Carme), for putting together this special event. The turnout was great, and the food was delicious. We had so much fun!!

Uncle Jared came over to fix our computer, and obviously was successful, since I am able to publish this post!! This has been the week of everything breaking. Here is the list: Jesse's scooter that he just bought (muffler thingy broke), Jesse's laptop computer (won't turn on anymore), this computer (viruses, freezes up), Jesse's cell phone (flashes on and off, had to get a new one), the car had a flat tire, and the DVD we rented last night wouldn't play! Isn't that how it always goes? When it rains, it pours. :)

Yes, I matched our outfits on purpose. I am a nerd.

My handsome husband pulling his "Blue Steel" face.

Karen, me, Jesse, Ina

Some shots from the party...

Some more shots from the party...


Karen said...

Looks like it was a super fun party! Way to go! I am glad I was able to come to the end of it! You have the cutest family!!

BrittanyDawn said...

Avril is getting so big and is so cute!