Monday, September 7, 2009

Avril says "MAMA"!!!!

Today I was working in the kitchen and talking to Jesse on the phone when I heard a "mamamama". I told Jesse, "I think Avril just said mama!" Jesse told me to quickly reinforce her so I got very excited and sure enough, she gave me another "mama!" I kept reinforcing her behavior and we got lots of "mamas". I ran upstairs to grab the camera and got a few clips of her "mamas." Avril was doing this all day long. We even had people over for Shelby's birthday party and she wasn't shy, just kept saying her new sound out loud for everyone to hear :)

Avril saying "mama"!!!!


Kristy said...

Awww SO cute! Cali does the "daadaadaad" sounds :( it's just not the same! Mom's really deserve to be first! :)

trevor and keesa said...

that is so awesome!!! madi just sat and stared at avril the whole time....we need to get these two together, it's my fault, we've been runnin all over.