Friday, January 30, 2009

Maternity Pics

Well I never considered having maternity pictures taken but as it turns out, my wonderful coworkers at the bank decided to buy me a photo membership to the Picture People Studio at the Valencia Town Center. This is good for 3 free photo shoots as well as some free prints. It was actually quite a thoughtful gift, its just that they didn't realize I would be leaving the state soon...
The day before I left for Utah I went to the mall to see if I could exchange the membership for something else, or give it to someone else, but no such luck. However, the lovely photo lady convinced me that I should take some maternity pictures with one of the shoots and after the baby comes we can come visit and use up the other shoots when we're in town.
I was happy that I went ahead with the pictures because I think it will be kind of cool to put in the baby scrapbook and show our little girl what mommy looked like when she had a watermelon-sized belly :)
Special thanks to my sweet friend Karen for providing my wardrobe again. She has the cutest maternity clothes! They sure have come in handy, the bigger and bigger I get...

Guess her name is 100% official now that its been spelled out in blocks and photographed. The little booties I brought in, they were a gift from my baby shower :)

These next two are rated PG cuz they show my bare belly. Jesse hadn't seen me in 3 weeks since he'd been in Logan and he could not believe how huge I was when he saw these.

I am so excited for our little girl to come! It seems like the due date is creeping up so quickly...
...And here is a picture I stole from Kandi's blog because my camera was not working that day. I am adding that to the list of things I need to buy for when the baby comes. After I had my maternity pics taken at the mall we met up for lunch at the Souplantation. I believe Kandi is about 18 weeks pregnant in this pic and I am about 36 weeks. So there are actually 4 people in this picture... 3 girls and a mystery child! :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I get knocked down, but I get up again! You ain't never gonna keep me down...

I just have to tell about my newest fainting spell experience because it makes a pretty funny story. I was out running errands all morning and trying to get things done before the move. At about 11:30 I went to a place called Ocean Nails and Spa to get my eyebrows waxed (It was about time, and I was going to see my hubby in 2 days so I was worried he wouldn't recognize me if I didn't make a stop here).

Well... I was supposed to meet my other VERY pregnant friend Kristy for lunch at 12:30 so I thought I'd have plenty of time. I started to feel a little dizzy when I walked in the spa but thought it was just the usual dizziness I occasionally experience.

I leaned back in the reclined chair and the nice asian lady who spoke very little english went to work with the wax. All of a sudden I felt the blood rush out of my head and felt the sweat start trickling down my face. I don't remember what happened next but when I woke up they had me laid down and I opened my eyes to about 10 asian women standing around me speaking a language I did not understand! It took me a second to realize where I was. One lady was pouring some sugary tea water concoction in my mouth. I'm not sure what it was but I didn't care...I felt so sick and it seemed to be helping revive me.

Another lady had taken my phone out of my purse and was trying to call the number that said Home (which is to my parents' house in Utah). I told them NOT to call 911 (one lady was on the phone about to), since an ambulance bill would not have made me happy. Instead, I told them to look on my phone for a Kristy Risser, who I was meeting for lunch. She showed up to save the day and rescue me. The funny part is what they must have been thinking when my 9 month pregnant rescuer showed up and we left together, both about ready to pop! :) What an exciting day! I don't know that I'll ever return to that nail spa, it was quite embarrassing!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Baby Shower Pics!

Thursday night, January 22nd was my Baby Shower!! I was so excited because I have never had a baby shower before, and I could not believe someone would go to all that trouble for our little unborn child... I can honestly say it was one of the happiest days of my life, because it was like a reunion of all my closest friends that feel like family to me. I am so grateful to everyone that attended, and for all that contributed to the shower. I am especially thankful for Debbie Black who hosted the shower and who's idea it was to have it in the first place. It was just such a memorably, happy night for me. THANK YOU!!! I downloaded lots of pics from that night. Jennifer Peterson was kind enough to volunteer to be a photographer for a night, and I was very happy with the results. :)

These are some of my favorite people in the whole world! I'm so glad they could come. I am wearing my wonderful friend Karen's maternity clothes. She has been kind enough to lend me a whole box of them so I can look somewhat stylish during my pregnancy. I have fantastic friends!!
Notice how Kristy's belly looks different than mine, even though our due dates are only a day apart... I think she carries her baby higher and mine sits lower. We're in a race to see who's baby comes out first! I think ours has a head start since she's so low already :)

Everyone looks like they're having a great time :)

This shot shows the gift table and the cake! Eva (Karen's little girl) loved the blocks on top and made sure to take some home as souvenirs. She was so excited!

My sister-in-law drove up from Azusa, CA with my niece to attend. Unfortunately, my brother was not invited due to his Y chromosome so he stayed at the Maxson's and watched TV.

My gorgeous, other pregnant friend Kandi also drove up from Simi Valley. She is a little over 4 months and looks fabulous. She is having a boy.... or a girl... she is keeping it a surprise! I don't know how she's doing that, the suspense would just kill me! I'm so glad I got to see her!!

Unwrapping of the gifts. Avrille is smiling inside my tummy I am sure :)

... and more gifts!

....and more!

...they just kept coming! I received a couple of beautiful blankets that were hand-made! One from Sharon Lightner, and one from Debbie Black. I know some pretty talented people.

We passed all the gifts around so all could see the adorableness up close!

Our baby is going to be dressed to impress... wow! Those are some cutie clothes!

This shows the heaping pile of gifts, after all the unwrapping. Special thanks goes to Brittney for being my official shower card-holder and for Eva for taking care of the wrapping paper and ribbons for me.

Just some final shots of some of my favorite people. I can't wait to show Jesse all that we now have for our little girl. He is going to be so excited! Thanks again to everyone, this was so much fun for me and I'll never forget my very first Baby Shower. It was truly amazing and I can never say thank you enough...

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Dad Bday Breakdance

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Happy Birthday the the World's OTHER Best Dad!

...And we can't forget the other best dad who is celebrating a birthday! (Soon we'll have to add Jesse to the best dad list, as soon as our little one is born). Our dad's birthdays are just 3 days apart, so its double the fun!
As a tribute to our fabulous father, here are some shots I had of him. What a handsome guy!

Happy Birthday dad! You are loved and admired by so many. Enjoy your special day! You are a freakin awesome dad/grandpa :) Love you!

Tonight the family is taking dad out to Golden Corral for a happy birthday dinner and I'm sure there'll be some pics so I'll add those on the post later.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to the World's Best Dad!

Today was a special day for Dad Yarger... he celebrated a birthday!

Here he is as a brand new dad, with little baby Jesse Yarger :)

And carrying little toddler Jesse around. He must be a pretty amazing dad, considering how well Jesse turned out! Just think, now he gets to be a grandpa Yarger and do this with a little girl! :)
And here is a more current photo:
Boys night out at Iggy's to celebrate dad's bday. Dad Parkinson was there too but is taking the picture :) We love you dad and hope you had a fantastic birthday.

Shelby pulled out his master culinary arts skills and made this chocolate cherry delight for the occasion. Wow! Looks rich...

Shelby must've done a pretty good job, dad looks excited to dig in! Mmmm....
Thanks for all you do dad, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Us!

For our 1 Year Wedding Anniversary, I've compiled lots of pictures and a little story. This has been by far the best year of my life. I couldn't have found a more perfect person to spend my life with. Jesse is truly my best friend and I grow to love him more and more each day. He has made me indescribably happy!

For our 1 year anniversary Jesse had to leave right before to go to Utah since school and work couldn't start without him. For health insurance purposes, I have to stay here awhile longer. Thus, our 1 year was spent apart. Jesse surprised me by secretly recording videos of himself on our new digital video camera. He left the camera with a note to me, as a gift for our anniversary. The videos were quite personal and probably embarrassing for Jesse so I won't post them (plus I couldn't figure out how, even if I wanted to).

The videos made me laugh, cry, and everything in between. There is one of Jesse reading a story that he made up for Avrille that he wanted me to play so she could hear his voice while we're separated. Another had Jesse dancing up a storm, and another of him singing an Elliott Yamin ballad. It was truly the best anniversary gift he could have given me.

Thank you for the most amazing year ever. I love you so much sweetie. Happy One Year Anniversary...


A long, long time ago, this little girl named Alicia started searching for her soul mate...
Where could he be? She would search and search for a looooong time, it seemed. It was a grueling and discouraging search, so she needed her little yellow bunny (or duck? we're not sure) to comfort her.

Little did she know, that far, far away, in a cold, cold land (Pennsylvania?) was where her handsome prince was residing (or would be after he was born!) His name was Jesse, and he dressed up in his finest, just in case he would meet his future bride, so he could impress her. He even spiked his hair and wore his magic suspenders!

The magic suspenders did not seem to help him find his sweetheart, so he traded them in for a magic football. He thought that surely his future bride could not resist a hunky football star with locks like these!

...And over in Sunny California, Alicia tried to win herself a jock with her cool cheerleader moves. Neither of them were having any luck finding their soul mate.


they FINALLY met up in Logan, Utah and very quickly became the best of friends. Here are some of their many memories together:

They had so much fun together that soon they set a date to tie the knot!

....And one year ago today, a little girl's dreams came true, and the little boy seemed pretty happy too! Our wedding was everything I'd hoped for, it was just fantastic. All of my family and loved ones were there and thanks to lots of helpers, the day turned out just like a fairytale! Here are some collages of pictures to prove it...