Monday, March 3, 2008

Unfortunate Events #2 & #3

We are having to backtrack a little because we are so behind in our entries. So... our Honeymoon was on Jan. 19th. We went on an 8 day cruise in the Western Carribean. We had a wonderful time up until the last day, when our cards stopped working due to the identity theft, and that is when our never-ending sicknesses began. Alicia started getting sick the last day of the cruise with a horrible sore throat, cold, flu, fever, you name it, she had it. After the long plane ride home, with a 5 hour layover in Atlanta, we were exhausted by the time we arrived in LA. We decided it would be best to take a day off of work so we didn't die and didn't spread our diseases.
Of course, since Alicia was sick and dying, Jesse didn't want to feel left out. After several days of suffering with a cold and fever, Alicia was starting to feel better so Jesse decided it was his turn to get sick. After we both finally recovered, it was time for round 2. Alicia woke up in the night with the stomach flu and this sickness lasted several days as well. Once again, Jesse decided he would jump on the sick wagon and start up with the sore throat and cough again. We are now in to the first week of March and I don't know if we've made it through one healthy week with both of us un-sick since we've moved. This past weekend we both stayed in, sick as dogs. We are feeling better today so we're hoping this was the last of it and we can finally move on with our lives!
Ok, so the episodes of sickness was our 2nd unfortunate event. The third unfortunate event was Jesse's nearly-broken foot. Jesse is on crutches right now. Earlier this week Jesse called to tell me he had hurt his foot. He likes to downplay injuries so I knew it was probably worse than he was telling me. By the next morning his right foot was twice the size of his left and he could not walk at all. He borrowed a cane from Linda, the lady we are staying with, and he hobbled to the health center on campus. They told him to go to the hospital and get an x-ray. The good news is that there were no broken bones. However, they did tell him to stay off his feet for the next week or so and that he had torn the tendons in his foot. I think Jesse was a little happy he didn't have to go to football for a few days.


Lindsey said...

FRIENDS!! Baby, you're losing your touch!

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said... sorry you've been sick. We had the same experience when we first moved into our house...we had the worst winter! We were all sick all the time! I hope you are done being sick for quite awhile (you're so skinny already!) and I hope your hubby's foot gets better soon! NO more unfortunate events okay?! Love ya!

Lindsey said...

when are you coming home? I am begining to hate this "vacation" to California that you are is getting old. LOST isn't the same without you;)

Kandi said...

Geeeeeeez. Hope you guys feel better. Jeff and I are sick out here in freezing Minnesota. I'll post when we get back. Hope you both feel better!!!