Saturday, March 8, 2008

Date Night!!!

Even though we are poor we try to go out at least one night a week for some couple time. We decided to splurge and do something really exciting this week. I saw some Lakers tickets for sale and on a whim, I decided to surprise Jesse, knowing what a sports fanatic he is. Little did I know that he HATES the Lakers! I know there are a lot of Laker haters out there but I didn't know I married someone who so passionately did not like them. Now that we are official Californians and close to LA, I told him he has to convert. I mean, how can you like LA and not be a Lakers fan? It's in the name! LAkers! As it turns out, he does like the Clippers though, so this game was an intense one for us. We made a bet that if my team won, he would owe me a massage. If the Clippers won, I owed Jesse a massage. PLUS... the length of time for the massage depended on how many points they won by. Oh dear, my poor husband.... So, here are some fun pics of our night out:

Can you believe these seats?!! Jack Nicholson and his daughter were sitting right in front of us! Ok, maybe like 50 rows in front of us but seriously we did get to see them from a distance.

And here we are!

Jesse said he would be mad if anyone saw these pics. His strong dislike for the Lakers stems from his ever so strong dislike for Kobe Bryant. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the person, but the guy sure can play basketball! I think this is a life size poster. I can't believe we only make it up to his armpits! We need to grow up.

The nice lady in front of us took our picture. This was while we were still smiling and had our hearing. The little red headed step child boy maniac behind us made me think twice about having kids, or at least about taking them to places where they can scream at the top of their lungs and make all those around them deaf. Good thing Jesse knows sign.

Notice the scoreboard. This was only the beginning. The Clippers were never ahead the entire game, and by the end the spread was much much worse... or much better, depending on your perspective :)

Just making sure we drink every last drop of that $4 Dr. Pepper. I think it equalled out to be about 50 cents per sip...

And the final score was..... Lakers 119, Clippers 82

A quote from the Los Angeles Times sports section: "Derek Fisher led a steady attack with 17 points and the Lakers took their largest victory over the Clippers since a 126-92 laugher in November 1986, the Clippers' third season in Los Angeles."

I'm so sorry honey, I can't wait for the 37 minute massage though!!


Lindi said...

GO LAKERS!!! I'm glad you took Jesse to the game, he needs to like the lakers if he is going to live in LA :)

Erka said...

How fun! It looks like you guys had a great time! I am not a big fan of the Lakers either, but I would have still loved to go to the game!

Lindsey said...

Sweet!! Way to pick the winning team! Enjoy your massage! I love the red headed step child part...I think you are sharing my passion for children!!