Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Weekend

One of the perks of living in So Cal is that its just a short drive away to the beautiful, and FREEZING ocean. We got to be with family this Easter, which was wonderful. Shelby flew out from Utah and we drove down to Newport Beach to see Carme (mom) and Rick. This first pic is a shot of Jesse and Rick playing catch.

And this is the wifey, I mean Jesse. We tease eachother because I'm usually at work most of the time so he gets stuck with all the household chores. Actually mom made these delightful raspberry cream cheese filled muffins for breakfast before we went off to church!

This is a picture of the inside of the church we went to on Easter Sunday. It was called the Mariners Church and I have never seen anything like it. They had their own campus, complete with bookstore, cafe, auditorium, everything! The choir was amazing and the message was by Kenton Beshore, on the Resurrection of Christ. It was incredible. I'm so glad we got to experience our first Easter together with our new family. Oh, and they even had a helicopter come that dropped Easter eggs out of the sky for the kids to find.

So Rick had this board on a cylinder thingy and it is supposed to be similar to skateboarding. This is a picture of Shelby attempting to balance.

And of course I didn't want to be left out so this is me on the balance board thingy. What you don't see is Shelby holding his arm out next to me for me to grab on to each time I almost fall :)

And this is us on the beach at Newport. The water was even colder than Utah (haha). I lasted about 3 minutes in the water and I almost died of hypothermia. Rick was the only one who could stand the freezingness. Jesse, Shelby and I did go for a run along the shore though for some exercise. We ran from one pier to the next one. I think it was maybe a half a mile-ish. If you ask Shelby or Jesse it was 2 1/2 miles one way though. We're not real sure who's right. The cool thing though, was that a group of dolphins right by the shore followed us the whole way back. They were so amazing to watch. In case you can't tell by the background, I LOVE dolphins!!

The weather could not have been more perfect. It was clear blue skies and 80 degree weather. What a great weekend! Thank you mom and Rick! We love you :)


Lindsey said...

ewe....you were at the beach. I hate california...you are spoiled! I miss you though...and dispite my jealousness...I am glad you got out and had fun!

Erka said...

I am glad you guys had a fun Easter weekend with family! I am so jelous you get to be so close to the beach and that you can see dolphins! I love dolphins a lot too! :)

Anonymous said...

You two make such a beautiful couple! I loved reading up on you guys. Especially since I've never met Jesse... Hi Jesse I'm an old cousin that has always adored Alicia! She's great! I, too, am jealous you're at the beach :}
Love ya,
Wendy and all

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Gorgeous! How fun! Sure beats our 4 inches of snow!

Kris, Andrea, Lacey, Mia, and Kannon said...

what a cute new family you are! life looks wonderful! you two are beautiful!

Kristy said...

It's funny how I have lived here forever and you move out barley 4 months ago and you already have a better California glow than I do ;)

How sad...

But, I'm so glad I got to see you today! (& your hair looks so cute!)
