Saturday, March 8, 2008

Our Fairytale by Gayle (Mom Parkinson)

You'll have to click on this to enlarge and read our charming story. I scanned it on here so its a little hard to see. I wanted to put it up and show off mom's creativity. There are some inside jokes that others may not get but its a cute little story with pictures of us in our Halloween costumes when we were little. Someday we can show our kids! :)


Erka said...

That's a really cute story! I remember how nice and cool your mom is Alicia! We always enjoyed it when she came over to visit when we were roommates! :)

Kristy said...

That is so cute, the fun part though is that I could totally hear your moms voice in my head when I read it (complete with her voice fluctuation and laughter at all the best parts)!

That is such a fun thing to have and your future kids will love it too!
