Thursday, February 28, 2008

Unfortunate Event #1

Unfortunate Event #1 (but who's counting)- Unfortunate event numver 1 was the identity theft occurrence. There were fraudulant charges made to, verizon, and several gas staion attemps. The first fraudulant charge happened the day we left for our honeymoon. It would seem these charges would be easily tracked. should just tell us what the shipping address was for the merchanise and we could track down the perpetrator that way right? WRONG! was no help, telling me that though the order was made with MY credit card and under MY name, they were unable to tell me where "I" told them to ship it, deeming it was a breech of privacy (I know, I know, it makes no sense unless I'm a schizo). No matter. Surely verizon could tell me whose account "I" paid for with MY credit card right? WRONG AGAIN! Verizon was equally unhelpful. But at least the theif was stupid enough to try the card out at several gas stations. We called the toll free number to discover to find out what gas stations the card was used at. Unfortunately, Discover doesn't track the the transactions that don't go through (wouldn't that be more suspicious than if the card did go through?), only the ones that do go through. Discover could tell us what type of gas station (Ex- Chevron, Shell, Mobil, etc...) but not the store number. With all this going wrong, surely we could turn to the local police to help us. However, they told us that since we got our frauded money reimbursed (at least that went our way), it was the credit card company that got the loss. They didn't take into account we had lost gift cards, checks, and various other wedding presents through the mail. This has been unfortunate event number 1.


Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

So Sorry! :( That really sucks! I have been worried about the same thing the past 2 days. I am almost positive that my wallet is in my house, but I can't find it anywhere, so I have been franticly checking every 10 minutes to see if I have any wierd charges. Too bad that no one is very helpful in these situations! Good luck and I hope this is the last unfortunate event!

Lindsey said...

I think you guys should just create new identity's for yourself....why not! Change your name, change your look....CHANGE EVERYTHING!! This is your chance to live it big! Be the Princess Conswela Banana Hammic that you have always wanted to be! Take this as an opportuinty and a blessing. I'm jealous:)