Monday, February 25, 2008

The beginning of us- as told by Jesse

The story of how Alicia Parkinson and Jesse Yarger began their relationship is the tale of two halves. In the first half of this tale, Jesse and Alicia were mere strangers, only knowing each other's names. The second half, however, is filled with excitement, sneaky adventures, and the beginning of the life-long friendship necessary for the bonding of two souls.


Alicia, as you may well know, owns a townhome in Logan, Utah, which she rents out to college aged girls. One of her rooms was vacant and Alicia needed a new renter. The girl who took the room just happened to be a friend of Jesse's. Once the friend had moved in, Jesse went to the house to see the place and visit with his friend. It was May 12. That was the first time his eyes met the eyes of the woman he would eventually spend the rest of his life with. However, both of them were in relationships with other people at that time. So for the next three months, Alicia and Jesse politely said their hellos and goodbyes not expecting to ever have any other words for each other.


One day, when both Jesse and Alicia were in much better states to romantically expand, Jesse got his flirt on with Alicia. It was not well received. Or received at all for that matter. Alicia blew it off as if nothing had happened. But Jesse was completely oblivious to this and counted the day as a step towards a relationship with Alicia. After he had dropped his best lines on Alicia, he got her the one material thing she wanted the most. A body-length pillow for her bed. Alicia reacted much better to this. They began going on dates and opening up more and more of their beliefs, goals, and plans for the future. The rest, as they say, is history.


Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

How fun! So glad you decided to join in the blogging craze! It is great to keep in touch with and pictures are a bonus! I can't wait for more fun stories (I have a few about cleaning our house when we first moved in!) Good luck with everything! I look forward to catching up soon!

Lindsey said...

got his "flirt on"....You crack me up!! beautiful story...i got teary eyed.

Kristy said...

Awww...that's a sweet story.

I just watched you video from the wedding, I loved it. Nyah watched for a minuet than asked why you two weren't holding hands and dancing, she watches a lot of princess movies :)
