Monday, February 25, 2008

The Cleaning Frenzy

Just an update on the latest newest newlywed news. We had a lovely weekend cleaning the bathroom. This may sound like a simple task but I can assure you it was soooo not! I seriously doubt the bathroom has EVER been cleaned, in like 15 years literally.

We are renting a room from a nice old lady in Santa Clarita, CA. We are renting for dirt cheap (emphasis on the word dirt), because we wanted to start saving for a place of our own. This lady has had one of the hardest life stories I've ever heard. She was my neighbor years and years ago and we thought of calling her to see if we could help her out in exchange for a place to live. She was very excited and I believe we have already been able to help her out quite a bit since we've been staying with her. She currently has diabetes, fibromyalgia, just underwent surgery for her carpal tunnel, and went through several years battling cancer. While in the hospital with the cancer, her husband left her for his new girlfriend. She can barely walk so really cannot maintain the housework that needs to be done, which is ALOT!!!

We have been so busy (and sick) it has been hard for us to get going on cleaning, but this weekend I decided I could no longer live in the unsanitary conditions. I have been sick with the flu twice, as well as had a fever/cold, and Jesse has been sick as well although he never will admit it. We think our recent illnesses are related to the uncleanliness of where we're staying. So... we decided to tackle the bathroom first.

I think it took me 2 hours just to clean out the bathtub. Everything was caked with layers and layers of dirt. I sprayed bleach on everything and it left white streaks where it dripped down. I'm a little worried Jesse and I may drop dead from inhaling the cleaning fumes while staying in the small enclosed area of the bathroom for 2 days straight. After several hours my eyes started to tear up and I couldn't stop coughing. But it was so worth it. Now we don't have to wear shoes when we walk in the bathroom! I wish we had a before and after picture so you could really see the amount of work that went in to this project. We are planning on painting now so after it is completely finished I'll put pictures up.


Kristy said...

Wow, I am so impressed! Cleaning bathrooms can be painful enough when it is your own, but someone else's dirty bathroom...that is brave. :)

I hope you are feeling well now, & I am so excited that you guys have a blog!!!


Lindi said...

Hey Alicia-
The wedding pictures are awesome! I am glad you guys have a blog. I bet it's nice to be back in Cali. You guys rock!

Lindsey said...

hooray!! now i can keep better tabs on my favorite newly weds!! glad to hear that you are alive and santitary!! keep the posts coming and hurry up with pictures. And congrats on the newest addition to your little family.