Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Birthday McKel!! 2 Years Old

My little bundle of joy is 2 already!?!?!  She is not a baby anymore... I can't believe how fast she is growing up.  McKel still amazes me with her maturity... for a two year old, that is.  She is a very independent girl.  She doesn't let anything stop her.  She will try anything.  She even loves green beans!  I can never get Avril to eat most vegetables, but McKel doesn't have the picky eater genes, thank goodness!
McKel doesn't let anyone tell her what to do or push her around.  She is my tough girl.  She has the most hilarious sense of humor.  She is so creative with her ways to make us laugh, I have no idea where she comes up with her little acts of random cuteness.  McKel loves music.  She can pick up a song after hearing it just once and will actually blow you away at her ability to carry a tune.  She also has some KILLER dance moves.  She loves her big sister and will often mimic whatever Avril does/says.
McKel has the ability to make you smile when you are feeling at your lowest low.  She just has this goofy grin and energy for days.  She often jumps from place to place instead of walking like most people do.  She bounces!  She has the most gorgeous big blue eyes, and AMAZING hair for a two year old!  She just oozes cuteness!  So grateful to have you in our lives McKel.  You are a gift from God :)
For McKel's party we just had a family gathering at Nana and Papa's.  Nana made a cheesecake and a delicious dinner for everyone.  We opened presents and had a great time.  The biggest hit for the girls were the helium balloons... so entertaining!

the birthday girl loves to come hop in mommy's bed with her...
Family eating din din at Kel's party :)

Some fun videos:

Auntie Arleen loves to cook for the girls and have some play time with them on their special days.  Here she is with the girls on McKel's birthday: