Friday, December 7, 2012


Having grown up in sunny Southern California, I never thought I would be able to survive temperatures this cold.  I get up in the morning and head to the gym before 6:30 am and the car temperature reading is often in the negatives.  It seems like the coldness weather never lets up.  I can't wait for the winter to be over.  Not my favorite part of living in Logan, Utah.  When I head to the gym I usually make myself a protein smoothie and drink it on my way there.  I usually do not finish the entire drink on the drive over.  Well, I learned that if I leave the remainder of my shake in the car to finish when I am done with my workout... it is solid!  The shake freezes completely during my one hour workout!  That is freaking cold!!!
So most of the time we are indoors and mommy is trying to get things cleaned up and we try to find indoor activities to keep us entertained.  If we venture outside that means lots of bundling up!!
Here are some shots of the girls over at nana and papas playing outside with nana and Auntie Arleen:


Here are some shots of the girls playing inside at our house.  They found some fun hats and markers.  Mommy had to watch that the markers didn't end up all over the walls and furniture...
Avril focuses intently on her coloring


One of the most exciting things to me about our new home is the fireplace.  I have been wanting to start a fire ever since the cold weather started.  HOWEVER... I do not know how to make a fire.  Not a skill I ever have had to use.  So one morning I spent about two hours unsuccessfully trying to get the logs to burn.  I called for reinforcement.  After some help, we got a fire going, woo hoo!  And now I am pretty good at getting them started.  I'm still not super quick at it, but it suffices :)

McKel watches mommy trying to start the fire
Beautiful!  Nothing beats hanging out by the warmth of the fire...
Another good indoor activity for girls is painting nails!  My girls decided that to thank Joe, the neighbor/friend down the street, they would paint his nails.  He didn't seem to mind, surprisingly :)

The cold weather also brought some fun visitors.  Mommy's best friend Ina was in town visiting from Colorado.  It was so great to see her and get to spend some time with her!!
And here is an absolutely adorable video of McKel trying to mimic some of her favorite animal sounds:


The Rapp Family said...

Cute Girls!! Love the fireplace!!