Friday, December 14, 2012

Family Photo Shoot

My talented niece, Brittney Parkinson, helped us with our family photo shoot this year.  I didn't want to front the money for a "professional."  Figured the girls would rather use that $ on Christmas presents!!  Brittney took a photo class in school and has fun playing around with some special effects.  The hard part was getting both girls to smile at the same time...scratch that, just getting them to look in direction of the photographer at the same time was an ordeal!  McKel had actually been sick with a fever, so she wasn't her usual chipper self.  She was a good sport though.  I was happy with the results.  Thank you so much Brittney!  Love having you as a freaking awesome niece :)  Here are some of my fave shots:

The beautiful photographer with mommy :)
Avril took a book break.  My little book nerd! Mwa!