Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Is it Spring Yet?

We keep getting little spring "teasers." I think the weather will be nice and sunny and warm, and then we get another storm to blow in. When the nice weather comes, we try to take full advantage of it. The girls and I LOVE to get outdoors any chance we can get, especially now that we have some nice wheels to get around in :)

McKel is sharing a swing with her friend Lucy.  They are just one month apart.  McKel actually didn't really want to share...

Feeding the ducks at first dam.

McKel enjoyed riding in the new bike trailer.  She wasn't such a fan of the helmet though...

Mommy used animal cookies to keep the girls entertained during the long ride

My two sweet angels had so much fun on our ride!

Off we go!
On Sunday we decided to make some homemade strawberry scones and head off on the bike for first dam, then up to visit grandma Joyce to deliver them with a birthday card.  Avril loved helping make the strawberry scones.  She wanted to do everything herself.  She practically did, which surprised me since they turned out to be pretty delicious!
While we were on our bike ride, Avril would keep saying, "Mommy, sit down!  Sit down or you will fall."  - every time I would stand up on the bike to pedal faster or go down a hill.  So I tried to sit the whole time so as not to upset Avril.
The other funny thing she said in the middle of our ride was:  "Mommy, we are getting our exercise!"  Haha... um.... I'm pretty sure one of us was! :)
We brought some old bread along to feed the ducks, and met up with some friends there.  The girls all had a blast.  It was so hard to keep McKel in one place.  She would run all over, trying to pet the ducks and run in to the water.  At one point I was almost certain a giant goose was going to take a chomp out of McKel's face, she got so close to her.  Luckily that didn't happen.
McKel mostly kept trying to eat the bread that was for the ducks.

McKel and Lucy

I'm pretty sure those ducks were more than well fed.

Cute lil Lucy

Mommy and her sweethearts.  Now if only someday I could get a pic with all three of us looking at the camera...
Mommy and her girls, and Justin with his lil Lucy.  Avril was happy to share her strawberry scones with her friends.

Up at Grandma Joyce's house the girls always love to have a seat on the deer out front

Grandma and Great Grandma-- Happy birthday Grandma Joyce!  We love you :)

Story time never gets old with Avril.  She has so many books memorized now, its quite impressive!

McKel got right to work in the play kitchen.  She set the table, poured drinks, she did it all!  It was so stinkin adorable!
McKel pouring the drinks.
Table setting...

Of course had to get a ride on the horsey!  Big grins :)

Love my sweet Avril Carmel


Erka said...

Alicia, your girls are the cutest! Also, I love your hair brown/red!