Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crazy Days...

Last week Avril and McKel's daycare did some crazy dress up days.  Nana had some fun making these little ones look even more darling, if that's possible...
Crazy Hair Day:

Haha here is Avril in all her craziness... took forever to get all those braids out, but isn't she cute!?

Here is Avril snuggling with Nana's decorative bunny for Easter.  Any little stuffed critter around the house, you know will be snuggled, wrapped in blankees, and put to sleep... sometimes they are even taken to go potty or have their diaper changed :)
And here is sweet lil McKel with her crazy hair!  Isn't she soooo cute?!!

McKel loves to climb on ANYTHING... so steps are always fun for her!
What a cutie!
The next pictures are from Princess Day.  Avril dressed as Snow White and McKel as.... a generic princess I guess :)
A gorgeous, happy girl at the breakfast table, with her hair all done up :)

And I present... the beautiful Snow White Princess!
Here is my blue-eyed princess girl with her hair all beautified :)

Love this pic!  "I'm bored, bring me a handsome prince or something..."

And the reason I love this pic, is because look who's peeking out the window from inside... hahaha!

Two Princess sisters
Just a cute pic of the girls with their nana.  Nana's face is still healing from her fall... still has marker on it, as Avril would say..


Kristy said...

I love reading all your blog posts & catching up on what you are up to :) I love the crazy hair day photos! You sure have sweet girls!!!