Thursday, March 1, 2012


"Its a hard, hard day." This is one of Avril's most recent phrases she keeps repeating. Girl, you have no idea! If you think its hard now... haha. I think she picked up this phrase from nana. Lately I feel like that's an appropriate phrase to say every day though. Life is just hard.
Even though sometimes it is so hard that I want to give up, “The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.”- not sure where that quote came from, just found it randomly. So true.
Anywho... I have lots of fun pics and videos to catch up on posting, so enjoy!

I went to Legacy House to play some tunes on the piano and entertain the old folk. I think they were the ones entertaining me though :) There was this little old lady who kept telling me how beautiful I was and how pretty my hair was, and how amazing I am at the piano. I think I need to go there more often, if I'm going to get showered with compliments like that! It was a fun audience.

Me playing at the Legacy House.  Grandpa is in the background in the red sweats.
Next grandpa took over, and played some tunes that any Parkinson is all-too-familiar with :)

Grandpa playing the piano at the nursing home

He's either playing Anchors Away, or a Christmas song... you can bet $ on it!

Next are just some random cute pics.  I'm pretty sure these pictures are a little bit old, because I stole them from Arleen's facebook page.  They were just so cute!  Arleen is such a tremendous help with the girls.  She is an amazing auntie.  She helps watch them in the mornings a lot and always seems happy to do so.  She is a God-send, and we're so grateful to have her here.

McKel:  Lil McKel is growing up!  She is constantly getting picked on by her big sis, and recently I've noticed that McKel is starting to not take the bullying.  She will fight back a little, and even instigate little pushes here and there.  I am pretty sure the battles for attention is fairly normal sibling behavior, so I'm not too concerned.  It is kinda funny to watch a baby 1 year old go up against a tall 3 year old, fearlessly though, I must admit.
McKel still gets by just fine without a very large vocabulary.  She grunts and motions and everyone can tell just what she wants.  She certainly does not lack in the lung capacity though.  This girl can scream like nobody's business.  Avril will often cover her ears and say, "McKel, you're hurting my ears!"
Speaking of ears, McKel has another Dr.'s appointment with the ENT specialist.  We are looking at getting tubes in her ears, due to the constant ear infections.  I think we are going to pass on the tonsils and adenoid procedure though... we'll see.

My sweet angel

pretty girl with her auntie Arleen.
McKel riding in the car

Avril:  This was a big month for my lil Av.  She turned 3!!!  (Pics to follow).  Avril was sooooo excited for her birthday party.  And she still will not stop talking about it.  She keeps saying, "I want another birthday please."  Haha, not me!  Love this lil chica soooo much!!
Avril with her Auntie Arleen

at the breakfast table...

Papa Spencer with the girls
Avril showing me her mad face
On a Sunday afternoon:  I took some snapshots on my phone, the girls were just so adorable in their Sunday dresses.

McKel thought it was funny to lay on the floor and kick her legs around... Avril joined

I love Avril in red.  She is such a gorgeous sweetheart of a girl!

Avril's birthday!! Avril turns 3!!
For Avril's birthday this year we just invited close family and friends to the fun park and had pizza.  The excitement and jungle gym thingy kept the girls plenty entertained, and got lots of their energy out.  Mommy made monster cupcakes, and we had the cupcakes and opened presents at the house after the fun park!

I also left some cupcakes plain for Avril to decorate herself with frosting.  Here is Avril the next day, happily frosting away!:

There was a lot of frosting eating going on... lots more frosting consumed than actual cupcakes.
Avril about to blow out the candles!

She successfully blew out all the candles... all 3!
Yay Avril!!

 Here is Avril opening a present from Ina, at the fun park:

Ina and Avril :)

Momma and her babe

Sooo happy!  Soooo cute!!
Soooo excited!!!

More of the Parkinson clan party guests

Avril with her Nana.  She loves her Nana so much!

Avril chows down on some delicious pizza
Everyone enjoyed the food and cutie girls
Avril loved playing in the playland with her cousin Brittney
McKel had a blasty blast playing as well :)
The Eye Doctor:  Avril has been blinking A LOT lately.  See video:

As you can see, this does not seem normal.  Since I was concerned, and since Avril's father is basically blind, we set up an appointment with the eye doctor to have her eyes checked out.  Avril was a great sport!  She didn't even complain.  She did, however keep talking about birthday cupcakes.  When the doctor asked her to identify different pictures, she kept saying birthday cupcakes!... even when it was a picture of a hand :)
See Avril, glasses aren't so bad ;)  And neither is the Jamba that grandma got her!

As it turns out, Avril's vision is perfectly normal for a child her age.  The Doc says the blinking is more like a nervous habit or possibly just dry eyes.  That's a relief!  No glasses.... yet!  Hopefully not for a loooong time.

Here is Avril coloring in her new Strawberry Shortcake coloring book from Papa Bryan!  She LOVES it!!

McKel doing puzzles with Auntie Arleen

...And below is a picture of Elmo sleeping.  Shhh!  All over the house you will find stuffed animals and dolls with blankets and towels over them.  Avril is very diligent about getting every creature in the house to sleep, and warm covered in blankets.

Mommy took the girls to Angie's the other day for some spaghetti and ice cream.  Here is the result:

McKel eating her ice cream

I took the girls to play at my friend Lori's house.  Avril had a blast playing with her two girls, Melanie and Adrianna.  They had no problem finding lots of fun things to do.  Here they are with their Uncle lil Joe:

And here are some CUTE videos of my sweet angel girls:

Avril and McKel cooking in their play kitchen

McKel jumping around

McKel says, I'd rather open drawers.

McKel slinging her ball around