Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

This year we were sooo excited to go Trick-or-Treating because it is the first time we have a kid old enough to enjoy it.  Unfortunately, right when we were ready to go the sky started pouring buckets down on us.  We just brought some umbrellas and tread on through the rain.  After awhile, the rain subsided and we were able to stay dry through our door to door quest for candy.  Jesse was kind enough to stash some candy away for himself so that he could test it out for Avril.  Avril was a little shy at first and we could not get her to say trick-or-treat to people, or even thank you or bye-bye, which she usually has no problem with.  This was an entirely new experience for her and I think she was a bit overwhelmed.  She did find the decorations on people's porches to be especially amusing, especially the ones that would make noises when you walk by.

Well, enough jibber jabbering.  Lets look at the cute pictures from our Halloween Adventure!
Don't you just love our new car?  Its gets excellent gas mileage!  :)  Mommy had this idea to make Daddy a Love Bug so she went dumpster diving behind Sears until she found just the right cardboard for the project.  It was so fun to make and Dada makes the cutest Love Bug!
This is the front of the car costume.  Mommy even put little working flashlights in the headlight eyes so we could see at night.
Rear view of the Love Bug
And here we are... TWO BUGS ON A RUG!!  Get it?  I had this lady bug costume and obviously Jesse could not be a lady bug so I decided to make him in to a different kind of bug!
Ever seen bugs smooch?  Even bugs need some love!
Love my Baby Dragon Girl
The two bugs produced a.... dragon?  Guess its not too surprising since before Dada was a Love Bug he was a...
...that's right!  A Dragon too!  See the resemblance?  So cute!!
Avril the Dragon with Jordan as Jack Sparrow.  Isn't his costume cool?  He told me that his mom had to draw black eyebrows on him since his are light.  Aargh!  Avril just LOVES her pirate friend.
Some well-dressed trick-or-treaters at the door.  Check out that vampire glare from Jordan (the vampire in front is also named Jordan)

Can you tell who this is?  Yup, its our little Dragon girl!  We have a neighbor who is a retired professional artist and he offered to draw several of the neighborhood kids in their Halloween costumes.  It only took him about 15 minutes to do this.  Pretty impressive, huh?


Lindsay said...

Looks fun! i am glad you had a picture of Jordan, I almost didn't recognize him. Good thing you said who it was. :)

Karen said...

You guys are so cute!! Looks like you had a fun time!