Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Not A Baby!...

I just remembered that I wanted to post this funny little occurrence from the other day so that I wouldn't forget when I need a good chuckle.
Our little family was enjoying lunch at Mandarin Garden when another cute little family sat down at the table right beside ours.  Avril quickly noticed that there was a cute little baby and pointed it out to us.  She loves to point at babies and tell them what they are.  "Baby, baby, baby," she'll say.  Right next to this particular baby, sat her older sister who was no longer a baby, but maybe about 3 years old.  After Avril finished pointing out to us the baby, she moved on to the little girl and pointed, "baby, baby, baby."
To this, the little girl quickly became offended and loudly voiced to Avril, "I not a baby, I'm a big girl!!"  It was hilarious.  We could not stop laughing over this for the rest of the day.  :)  Kids really do say the darndest things.  Keeps us big folks entertained.