Friday, May 14, 2010

I Just Love Weddings!

Congratulations to the happy couple:  Alex and Kelli Mortensen :)
We are so happy for our friends, the Mortensens.  They have gained an adorable, sweet, new daughter named Kelli.  We just think Alex and Kelli are so cute together!  And they couldn't have chosen a better venue to hold the blessed event... the beautiful Riter Mansion in Logan, Utah.  That is the same place that Jesse and I had ours!

Some of the handsome guests:  Jared and Rob, highschool BFF's

Avril's words: Papa, baby, Mama

One of my favorite peeps, and the groom's sister:  Amy Rapp

more of my favorite people

Our little cutie pie

The newlyweds

And here are some of my favorite shots from the night, of Avril and Laurel.  Laurel kept on grabbing Avril's hair, which was really cute, until she tugged a little too hard and made Avril cry.  Well, it was still cute, but Avril wasn't so happy about it.


McMemories said...

Alicia, your family is just beautiful! Your daughter is adorable!!