Monday, May 10, 2010

Analysis of a Fantastic Wife

A study recently was published that estimated the average monitary value for a homemaker in the United States.  The estimate came out to an astounding $117,000 per year.  I think Alicia is worth twice that with all the different jobs she completes.  The following are just some of the jobs she has absorbed to get our family through each day. 

Nanny- Ali is a top notch nanny with over a year's experience now.  She is helping raise a child who is wild by all accounts.  Alicia is always playing games with Avril as well as going for walks, going to the park, taking care of the basic necessities (eating, bathing, ect.) and making projects for Avril to enjoy.

Master Chef-  If you're reading this and haven't had the pleasure of trying Alicia's cooking, she is holding out on you and you need to invite yourself over asap!  She is incredible!  Just ask Avril and me.  It doesn't matter if she is making a simple meal for the three of us or if she is going all out for a major event, everything she makes leaves your taste buds craving more.

Maid- Even with the forementioned jobs, Alicia finds time to maintain the cleanliness of the house we are so blessed to have.  Avril does her best to mess up the house and take out every toy, movie and kitchen utensil and leave them scattered throughout the house.  Alicia has none of it.  Sometimes she lets Avril think she is winning, but then she zaps things into their place with her magical cleaning skills.

Accountant- Alicia manages the budget.  I only know that I have to spend less than I make.  Alicia knows the ins and outs of managing money.  She is able to balance the checkbook and estimate the allowances we have for future purchases.  She also knows what to do with excess money, which leads me to her next job.

Financial Advisor-  Alicia uses her accounting skills to accurately determine what should be done with our money.  She is so in tune with the financial world that she has accurately predicted the rise of a couple stocks and "plays" in the stock market (safely of course, not day to day trading).  She has incredible intelligence and dedication to research makes her a fantastic financial advisor.

Chauffeur- Everyone knows what a chauffeur (pronounced show-fur) is and Alicia has a great driving record.  She gets Avril from point A to point B safe and sound!  She is also a fun person to ride with.  What else can I say???

Travel Agent- All of our travel plans go through Alicia.  If I were to plan these things we would end up in gross places with horrible smells and 100 miles in the direction opposite of our final destination.  Alicia always makes cost-efficient plans that create easy and fun traveling for all of us.  This skill came in especially handy during this football season because we (the stampede) have not had a home game in about a month. Alicia has made all our travel reservations and even talked the owner of a hotel into giving us a non-smoking room when they were all occupied supposedly. 

Interrior Designer- Prime example: Our nursery.  I don't know anything about color coordination and decoration but I do know Alicia spend a ton of time in that room prepairing it for our precious child.  I've never seen any women walk into that room without heavily complimenting Alicia's hard work.

Dress Coordinator- I'm just going to say it.  Avril is always dressed to impress.  Alicia is also rarely caught in public without looking like she belongs on the cover of People Magazine.  Avril is lucky to have a mommy with such great taste.

Wife- Ok so being a wife isn't a paid occupation, but it does require a ton of work to make a marriage happy and successful.  She is always doing the little things that make our marriage strong despite completing aspects of the nine occupations listed above.  The words amazing and incredible are grossly overused in the English language today, but there are few other words that capture the magnitude of Alicia's value as a wife and mother in our family.  I am so glad Alicia and I found each other.  I look forward to enlarging our family and creating children who have some of the same qualities as my wife.


Aubrey Jane said...

What a great post! I'm so glad that you are able to recognize and verbalize your appreciation for such an amazing woman. You guys are great together and I'm so happy you found each other too! Thanks for sharing!

Lindsay said...

Wow...That was sweet and such a good description of Alicia!

Jake Lindsey Molly Owen said...

what a sweet post :)