Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day in Beautiful Montana

This year for Mother's Day we took our first trip up to see Jesse's mom's new home.  She moved up to Bonner, Montana, which is quite a drive so we haven't been able to make it up to see her until now.  The good news was that Jesse's football team happened to have a football game about an hour away from where Mom lives.  The bad news was that this was a VERY good team, and this was the Stampede's first loss in two years!!  Oh well, it was still fun to visit this beautiful place and to get to spend Mother's Day with Mom/Grandma.
Avril expecially LOVED playing with the dogs at Grandma's house.  She would point her finger at them and shout, "woo woo!"... which means, "woof woof!"  It was so cute!!  Grandma Carme spoiled Avril by getting her lots of cute new clothes and hairbands.  She also made delicious food that Avril loved to eat.  We had such a great time getting to see Mom's beautiful Montana home.  The area she lives in has some breathtaking scenery.
I can't believe that I didn't get a shot with Grandma Carme and her granddaughter for mothers day.  Shame on me.  Here is a pic of Mom/Grandma that I stole from her facebook :)
Thank you Grandma Carme for welcoming us in to your beautiful home and for doing such an amazing job raising those boys of yours... especially the one I married :)  You must've done something right, cuz he's just a fantastic, sweet, thoughtful, hard working husband and father.  Also, you are a wonderful cook and we loved all the delicious food you made for us while we were visiting.  Thanks for everything.  We love you!  Happy Mother's Day!!!

Here is a picture of Avril wearing one of her new outfits from Grandma Carme.  I love the little goldfish on it :)

Here is Avril chasing after one of the dogs.  She truly has no fear.

Happy Girl!

Squealing with delight!

Now brace yourselves... you are about to see something soooooo beautiful.  It is one of the most incredible sights I've ever seen.  We were on our way to Jesse's football game and we looked out the window, and what did we see?.....
There are 2 rainbows going across the big Montana sky.  But the really cool thing is...

...that they went COMPLETELY across the sky!  We pulled over to take a pic, it was just breathtaking.
now if only we could find that pot o' gold at the end!