Sunday, June 6, 2010

Getting Everyone's Attention....

 Jesse had this brilliant idea about how to spread our exciting news.  We went out and bought a plain white tee and some fabric markers.  This was the result.  Jesse was so proud of his creation.  We couldn't wait for Avril to wear her new shirt around the grandparents to let them know that Avril is going to be a big sister!!
Here is the back of the shirt:

...more posts to come. I'm a little behind. Mommy hasn't been feeling so well so its a little more difficult to blog.


Lindi said...

Congrats!!! 2 is a lot of fun!! hope you feel well soon and everything goes well. Awesome!

Karen said...

YAY!!! Congrats! CUTE SHIRT!

Travis, Susie; Hunter and Gracie said...

Congratulations Alicia! That is so exciting!!!

Aubrey Jane said...

Wonderful! Congratulations, I hope you are feeling much better soon.

Britney & Bob said...

Congratulations!!!!! And I loved the shirt! That is such a funny, but true way to put it.

Alycia said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you! Hope you start feeling better soon!

Lindsay said...


trevor and keesa said...

i'm so sure i'm last to find out....i am so excited for you guys!! woot woot, when do you find out if it's a boy or girl?

Chelsie Sanders said...

congrats that's awesome!!

Kristy said...

I'm SO excited for you guys!
& yay for Christmas time babies...we LOVE those :)
I hope you are feeling well. It's got to be so wonderful to have your Mom around this time to help!
I miss you tons...this wasn't the plan you know, our kids are supposed to grow up together like us!

Lindy Salmon said...

Congrats! Avril is a smart girl, I bet she will find many ways to still get some attention :)