Thursday, June 24, 2010

Random Acts of Cuteness

 This little kiddo bike was one of our many garage sale finds.  Avril beams with pride when she successfully sits on it and maneuvers around :)

Avril has abandoned her previous hat aversion.  Hooray!  Cuz hats are so cute :)  Lately she has been asking (via baby grunts) for mommy to put hats on her.  She must know how cute she looks in them because she prances around the room grinning at all the attention she gets just by looking cute!

I have been trying to fix up the backyard and weed the hill by our canal so that I can put a garden there.  It is a long process, and I try to do a little every day.  Avril only lets me work in short spurts, before she feels that she is more important than the weeds and deserves my undivided attention.  I guess she is right.  The other day, as I was weeding, I heard the screen door in the backyard slide shut and then I heard that laugh I adore.  I looked over to find Avril making faces through the screen door.  Haha this made me just bust out laughing.  I think that is Oreo cookie in her teeth but it very well could be dirt.  I wouldn't be surprised of either.

The other day Avril and I ventured over to Sam's Club to restock on the gallons of juice we consume at our house.  She was just being so cute I couldn't resist taking a few snapshots.
The lady at the checkout counter could not get over how defined Avril's eyebrows are.  She said she has the most gorgeous eyebrows.  Its funny cuz I never notice that but I do hear that a lot from people so I guess its true!  Way to go Avril, good job having nice brows :)  Avril is starting to get a nice tan from all the playing outside.  There's nothing she'd rather be doing than playing outside.  The sunshine also seems to be turning her in to a blonde!