Sunday, February 7, 2010

What a Super Super Bowl Sunday!

Today was Avril's very first Super Bowl Sunday... sort of.  Last year she was present in a less conspicuous way, hiding in mommy's tummy.  This year we attended a Super Bowl party at the Browns' house... looks like we're making a tradition of this.  And as tradition would have it, Jesse made his famous, delicious cranberry bread for the occasion.  There were all kinds of other tasty foods there as well.  Avril felt the same as mommy, that the food and friends were the real things to get excited about.  Football, shmootball!  Just kidding, daddy...

Daddy wanted the Saints to win, Mommy was cheering for the Horseys.  Daddy got his way.  Mommy almost got kicked out.  Apparently not a lot of people liked horseys there.

Avril loved the food schmorgisborg.  The proof is in the pudding... or in this case, the bar-b-que sauce... that's on her face!

Intently watching football with Daddy.

The excitement was just too much for Dalton.

Yargers R Us!  Notice Avril's appropriate ensemble.  Mommy also tried to wear something suitable by adding a horsey necklace.  Daddy wasn't a fan.

Everyone relaxing in the Browns' movie room.

Avril is sizing Braden up.  Hmmm, it looks like a daddy.  But I don't think its my daddy.

Avril was cheering with Mommy for the horseys.  She even started making horsey noises!

There you go, Avril!  Keep making those horsey noises.  It helps if you get a lot of spit in your mouth.

Uncle Chubbs and Av

Avril loved all the attention she was getting.  I mean, how could you resist this cute little face?

...or this one?

Saranie and Av :)

We had such a great time.  Thank you for inviting us, Brown family.  Lets do it again next year, only with the Vikings!


Lindsay said...

Looks like a party! glad you had fun