Its okay for mommies to get to complain every once in awhile, right? This has been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day week! I just feel like Avril gets sick a lot. I don't know what is a normal amount to be sick, but she's been sick every other week now starting around Christmas. She had the flu around Christmas for about a week, then an ear infection the week before last, and then this week its been the stomach flu. When baby is sick, mommy is exhausted from not getting any sleep, Avril won't let mommy put her down at all, so mommy is hungry from not being able to make a decent meal, and the whole house just seems to fall apart.
I have been thrown up on a total of 7 times this week. One time Avril and I were covered in throw up so I put us both in the bath and put on clean clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and downstairs and up came the next round of throw up. So we turned around and went right back upstairs in to the bath again. I have a pile of laundry waist high of throw-upy clothes.
To top this all off, our dishwasher has a leak and is causing the kitchen counter to deteriorate and mold. I bought a nice, new dishwasher from Sears and was excited for it to be delivered. I spent hours on the phone with customer service (in India) because it did not arrive when it was supposed to. I must have called them 20 times wondering where the dishwasher was. Finally, 3 days after it was supposed to have arrived, I waited on hold for 40 minutes to speak to a supervisor to get on the line, and she was able to track it down. It had been sitting in the store here in Logan the entire time. Supposedly I am getting a $50 gift certificate to Sears for my trouble. We'll see...
To add to my list of no good things, we have some very persistent ants that have taken over our very messy house.
Avril is feeling much better now... however, she gets used to me staying up all night with her when she's sick and she gets spoiled, so now she expects to be held all night long and will not sleep in her crib. Last night she got up every hour and then decided it was morning at 5:00 am. This is an hour early... usually she'll make it until 6:00. I decided to let her cry it out and after an hour I just couldn't take it anymore so I went in to get her around 6:00. She ended up falling back asleep for another 45 minutes at 7:00 am.
Mommy is so sorry to complain. I don't like complainers. Right now Avril is looking so cute just eating a cookie. Now if only that'd keep her occupied long enough for me to take a shower...
November Birthdays!
6 years ago
Sorry Avril has been sick so much. We get sick every other week every winter. I know it's not fun. Sorry.
That's rough! And it's okay to complain, sometimes you feel better after just getting it out. I hope Avril's sick streak is over and that she is back to her regular sleeping routine soon!
Glad to hear you are normal :) I too hate sick kids, totally throws off all the good habits/routines that seem to take a long time to get and only one night to ruin. A Dr told me kids get 8-10 colds a year! I figure, most of these are during the winter, so seriously, every other week I guess is normal. Unfortunately. Ants. It seemed we had a new colony every morning. Those became the last straw for me one day. I can't say too bad of words (someone remembers EVERYTHING I say), so I spelled it out :) That should hold me over for a couple more years.
To Alicia Yarger,
My name is Brian and I’m part of the Sears Cares Escalations team. I’m sorry to hear about the problems you’re encountering with your dishwasher. I know this is frustrating for you and we would like to help make sure this issue gets resolved to your satisfaction. At your convenience, please contact my office via email at you don’t have to continue to be frustrated. In the email, please provide a contact phone number and the phone number the dishwasher was purchased under (if different than the contact phone number) and we will call you directly. Also, in your email, please provide the screen name (Alicia Yarger) used to post on this site, for reference to your issue, and we do look forward to talking to you soon.
Thank you,
Brian J.
Senior Case Manager
Sears Cares
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