Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dining at the Silvers...

My dear, sweet friend Britney, and her wonderful husband Bob, invited us over to dinner at their house.  Unfortunately, Jesse had to work so Avril and I accepted the invitation and had such a great time.  Britney and Bob have a beautiful little girl named Hannalee, who was so kind to share her toys with Avril.
Britney deserves an Olympic gold medal for her creativity.  She is always working on some amazing craft or home project.  She is helping me make a birthday present for Avril and I am just so excited.  It is a lot of work but I can't wait to see how it turns out.  I can't say what it is because I don't want to spoil the surprise (Avril might read this)... but I'll post pictures after I'm done.  I'm so lucky to have talented friends who let me steal their ideas.  Thank you :)
Here are some adorable pics of Hannalee and Avril...

Avril had so much fun riding on this tractor.

I found this old photo of Jesse riding a John Deere tractor of his own... I love how he's wearing a bow tie to ride his tractor.  He means business!

 Both hands on the wheel, Avril!!

Hannalee and Avril... I think Avril is trying to teach Hannalee how to hitchhike...
"See, Hannalee, you just put your arm out and poke your thumb up like this and then maybe you can get a ride on a tractor!"

Hannalee:  "You do what?!"

Hannalee:  "Mommy, mommy, help!  This girl is trouble!"

Now this is just the cutest thing I have ever seen!  Britney was helping Avril walk and Hannalee wanted to join in and help, so she got behind Avril and grabbed her hands, trying to guide her along as she steps forward.  Thanks for being such a good helper friend, Hannalee!  I hope Avril doesn't trip over that shoelace!


Lindsay said...

Looks like fun. Can't wait to see what you are making

Andrew Cardon said...

Looks like you guys had a fun time! I have been meaning to comment on you blog for a while. I have really enjoyed the posts, it looks like you guys are having fun!

PS AJ's wife Kaylee does work at a bank so that is probably where you saw her. Good memory btw!