Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
Avril got a package from her grandma Carme in Montana, which included a new Valentine's outfit, a new toothbrush, AND...
some cool new shades!

these came in handy, as she was recovering from a milk hangover

This little Valentine has certainly stolen our hearts...
 and mommy's toothbrush!

Avril insisted that we read her a story for Valentine's Day.
Mommy and Daddy celebrated Valentine's Day with some time away from our little love bug.  Grandpa Bryan came over and we got to have dinner and a movie.  We went to see Dear John, which I thought was a good movie.. it sounds like a sad movie and it is, but its not.  You'll just have to see it to understand why.

 Jesse and I made each other personalized Valentine's cards.  And we took our favorite candies to munch on at the movie.
the two lovebirds :)  Happy Valentine's Day!!