Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beautiful Birthday Dress

My friend Ina got Avril the most beautiful birthday dress. I was so excited for her to wear it so I had to get a pic :)  Isn't she just darling?  Oh how I love her to pieces!!

Avril's First Steps

How Exciting!!

Here Comes the Sun...

We Logan, Utah folks are getting tired of the dreary winter and anxiously anticipating the arrival of Spring.  Yesterday the sun decided to peep out from its hiding spot for awhile so we decided to take advantage and let Avril go for a walk in her stroller with Grandpa Bryan.  We bundled her up so she wouldn't catch another cold!

I'm ready!

Maybe I can catch some Zzzz's on our walk

So cute!  Thank you Grandpa :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My New Pajamas!!

Avril was so excited to wear her new birthday pajamas so we pulled out the camera to show just how cute she looked!

"Wait mom!  Let me see that camera!  I want to take the picture!"

Avril's self-taken photo (ok, we helped a little)... check out those tonsils!

Perfectly content... until its time for bed!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Has it Really Been a Year Already?

February 24th marked the one year anniversary of when our precious little baby girl came in to this world.  Life has not been the same since, to say the least!  We love this angelic little Yarger girl sooooo much!!  Happy Birthday, Avril Carmel!!
For her birthday celebration, we had family and friends over for food and cake at our house.  The next morning I also had some of my mommy friends come over to celebrate.  Avril just soaked up all the attention and loved every bit!

Mmmm, yummy Mexican haystacks for dinner!

Avril chillin in her new stroller.  Mommy ordered a toy chest for Avril's bedroom online and there was a promotion where a free umbrella stroller was included.  Unfortunately, the toy chest did not arrive on time but we did get the free stroller!  Avril likes to use the stroller like a walker and push it around the room.

Balloons for the birthday girl!!

Aldin missed the funny face memo

me and my boyz

Grandma made this delicious strawberry cheesecake.  Sooo fun!

She's about to blow out her candle.  Make a wish!!

Avril contemplating her first move

and she dives right in!

Still wearing the remains of her cake on her face, she opens a present from her Uncle Jared.  She got some new bath toys!!

Oh boy is she excited to play with her new toys!!


Grandma and Grandpa also got her some new bath toys, and some cute new pajamas!  Avril just loved her presents.

Monson and Aldin couldn't be more excited for Avril.

And these are some of the blocks mommy has been making for Avril's birthday.  I only got the letters of Avril's name done, and a random letter "Q" but I'm working on the rest of the alphabet now.  She loves her new blocks and I was so excited to make them for her.  I got the idea from my friend Britney who also made some adorable blocks.  She has instructions on her blog how to make them, see her blog for details:  Bob & Britney Silver
Hope you enjoyed your very first birthday, Avril.  We love you!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dining at the Silvers...

My dear, sweet friend Britney, and her wonderful husband Bob, invited us over to dinner at their house.  Unfortunately, Jesse had to work so Avril and I accepted the invitation and had such a great time.  Britney and Bob have a beautiful little girl named Hannalee, who was so kind to share her toys with Avril.
Britney deserves an Olympic gold medal for her creativity.  She is always working on some amazing craft or home project.  She is helping me make a birthday present for Avril and I am just so excited.  It is a lot of work but I can't wait to see how it turns out.  I can't say what it is because I don't want to spoil the surprise (Avril might read this)... but I'll post pictures after I'm done.  I'm so lucky to have talented friends who let me steal their ideas.  Thank you :)
Here are some adorable pics of Hannalee and Avril...

Avril had so much fun riding on this tractor.

I found this old photo of Jesse riding a John Deere tractor of his own... I love how he's wearing a bow tie to ride his tractor.  He means business!

 Both hands on the wheel, Avril!!

Hannalee and Avril... I think Avril is trying to teach Hannalee how to hitchhike...
"See, Hannalee, you just put your arm out and poke your thumb up like this and then maybe you can get a ride on a tractor!"

Hannalee:  "You do what?!"

Hannalee:  "Mommy, mommy, help!  This girl is trouble!"

Now this is just the cutest thing I have ever seen!  Britney was helping Avril walk and Hannalee wanted to join in and help, so she got behind Avril and grabbed her hands, trying to guide her along as she steps forward.  Thanks for being such a good helper friend, Hannalee!  I hope Avril doesn't trip over that shoelace!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
Avril got a package from her grandma Carme in Montana, which included a new Valentine's outfit, a new toothbrush, AND...
some cool new shades!

these came in handy, as she was recovering from a milk hangover

This little Valentine has certainly stolen our hearts...
 and mommy's toothbrush!

Avril insisted that we read her a story for Valentine's Day.
Mommy and Daddy celebrated Valentine's Day with some time away from our little love bug.  Grandpa Bryan came over and we got to have dinner and a movie.  We went to see Dear John, which I thought was a good movie.. it sounds like a sad movie and it is, but its not.  You'll just have to see it to understand why.

 Jesse and I made each other personalized Valentine's cards.  And we took our favorite candies to munch on at the movie.
the two lovebirds :)  Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What a Super Super Bowl Sunday!

Today was Avril's very first Super Bowl Sunday... sort of.  Last year she was present in a less conspicuous way, hiding in mommy's tummy.  This year we attended a Super Bowl party at the Browns' house... looks like we're making a tradition of this.  And as tradition would have it, Jesse made his famous, delicious cranberry bread for the occasion.  There were all kinds of other tasty foods there as well.  Avril felt the same as mommy, that the food and friends were the real things to get excited about.  Football, shmootball!  Just kidding, daddy...

Daddy wanted the Saints to win, Mommy was cheering for the Horseys.  Daddy got his way.  Mommy almost got kicked out.  Apparently not a lot of people liked horseys there.

Avril loved the food schmorgisborg.  The proof is in the pudding... or in this case, the bar-b-que sauce... that's on her face!

Intently watching football with Daddy.

The excitement was just too much for Dalton.

Yargers R Us!  Notice Avril's appropriate ensemble.  Mommy also tried to wear something suitable by adding a horsey necklace.  Daddy wasn't a fan.

Everyone relaxing in the Browns' movie room.

Avril is sizing Braden up.  Hmmm, it looks like a daddy.  But I don't think its my daddy.

Avril was cheering with Mommy for the horseys.  She even started making horsey noises!

There you go, Avril!  Keep making those horsey noises.  It helps if you get a lot of spit in your mouth.

Uncle Chubbs and Av

Avril loved all the attention she was getting.  I mean, how could you resist this cute little face?

...or this one?

Saranie and Av :)

We had such a great time.  Thank you for inviting us, Brown family.  Lets do it again next year, only with the Vikings!