Saturday, June 6, 2009

Logan Stampede- Undefeated

This past game was very exciting because the Logan Stampede got to play in the Romney Stadium at Utah State University. The Stampede played the Great Falls Gladiators, another undefeated team, and we won... yay! The final score was 29-13. Jesse Yarger had one of the touchdowns, and a total of 100 yards that game. I am so proud :) We also got to have Carme (Jesse's mom) come stay with us from California. It was the first Stampede game she got to attend and Jesse put on quite the show for her.

Of course, the curse I carry remained in place. I left right after half-time to go feed Avril in the car and that was right when Jesse made his touchdown. So far this season Jesse has made 5 touchdowns I believe, and I have not witnessed a single one of them. I am bad luck. Every time I step away for a minute or arrive a few minutes late, that's when he scores. Weird. I must dazzle him so much he can't focus when I'm there...

Our good friend Karen and her friends sat in front of us. We didn't want to be left out of the picture so we posed for all the pictures they took :)

After the game... Avril surprisingly slept through most of it. She was very happy to watch her daddy play though.

There he is... #11 Sheow baby!!